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About Me

Quality, not quantity

I have made quality my habit. It’s not something that I just strive for – I live by this principle every day.


My name is Andreea and I opened Bold Choices in May 2021.

I wanted to start my own business for a long time now but never seemed to find the time. Excuses , excuses. Then 2020 came and taught me that life is short and one has to live life without regrets so here I am giving it a go!

I learned everything I know about sewing and creating from my grandmother who always made her own dresses and I always loved watching her work, creating wonderful things from nothing!

I am a Taurus and love changing the colour of my hair; I love vibrant colours and patterns and I hope I can convince you to join my colourful squad! I think I am a chameleon and my style depends on my mood;
I follow trends but mainly I like doing my own thing.


Why Bold Choices?

Because life is too short not to be! So enjoy bold colours and prints! Browse around and choose your favourite accessories!

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